
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” – 1 Peter 4:10

One of the most treasured gifts from members of the Monaghan congregation is our love for and creation of music to share with Monaghan and the surrounding community. Our talented musicians provide a variety of musical outlets throughout the year.

Adult Choir

From September to May our adult choir provides an anthem each month, along with occasional special music opportunities around Christmas and Easter. We practice a couple Sundays a month right after the worship service, and then meet before worship the Sunday we’re performing for final run through.

Bell Choir

Monaghan provides bell choir concerts twice a year, once around Christmas and again in the spring. Our bells also ring for Sunday worship on occasion. Recently, Monaghan has teamed up with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Dillsburg to provide an expanded range of bells and wider variety of music.